Welcome to Your health journey

"Only 10 percent of your risk of disease is genetic; 90 percent is environmental—mostly your daily lifestyle choices and the biochemical neighborhood those choices create for your DNA." - Dr. Sara Gottfried


WHY I FELT THE NEED TO START The Health Accomplice

I was always tired in my 20’s and I knew it wasn’t normal. I would experience symptoms like bloating, brain fog, nausea, etc. and went to countless Western Medical Doctors and was let down numerous times. All I got was “you’re perfectly healthy, it must be stress or genetic…” I was frustrated and looking for answers and someone who actually understood how the body worked…

After so many years, I finally found a naturopath and holistic doctor who was able to give me some answers and guide me back to myself. I found the answer in building a relationship with my body and with food / nutrition. I was amazed by how effective it was and how changing my diet positively impacted so much than I had imagined. That journey eventually led me to explore more of my mind and energy, which plays a bigger role in physical health than I realized. Here I am, learning so much and wanting to share it with the world in the hopes it helps someone heal.

One thing I know to be true, is that what works for me, may not work for you. We are all unique. My philosophy and approach looks like this: there are some universal truths about health and well being, which we can take and then we must account for the individual and customize it each time.


I am the founder and owner of Detox House, a portal for self-discovery and optimization. Detox House provides tools like breathwork, sauna, and cold plunge to help you remove the gunk from your life and shine bright as you’re highest potentional.

I am a breathwork facilitator trained in Venice, CA by Lihi Benisty. My first breathwork experience was with Wim Hof himself in 2016 and I’ve explored this modality ever since. In 2023, I discovered Lihi’s classes at Open Studio in Venice and knew she was the right guide for me.

I am a Functional Nutrition Guide, certified by MindBodyGreen's Functional Nutrition program. This means I have an understanding of functional nutrition and how food can promote longevity and well-being. I’ve learned cooking techniques to optimize nutrition, as well as practices to improve digestion, calm inflammation, eat & supplement for optimal brain, heart, gut, and hormone health, and how to make sustainable food choices.

Other Completed Courses:

what you can expect FROM ME

  • Free Course called The Baseline to help you gain the foundation for feeling your best. If you’re suffering from any ailment — weight gain, fatigue, chronic anything - you’ll want to take this course before you try anything else as this is baseline.

  • The Podcast: Find Your Freedom by Detox House offers a world to discover how to feel the most free in your life and in your body. The podcast shares stories of how individuals overcame adversity and tough moments, the tools they used to get through it, and tools to help us optimize our lives moving forward (including health / longevity, mindset, etc)

  • 1:1 Breathwork Coaching Sessions Available. Contact me here to book a session.