If you’re looking for a way to feel better in your body, if you want to get healthy or heal a specific ailment but don’t know where to begin, if you’ve tried lots of diets but none have been sustainable or enjoyable, if you have no idea what you should eat (paleo, keto, vegan, etc) to feel your best and to love your body, you are in the right place..

This is a self guided program with 3 weeks of content, action steps, and resources focused on the 3 pillars of optimal health and weight - blood sugar balance, getting the right nutrients, and detoxification.


  • I’m not promoting a specific food or lifestyle — you can make this your own based on what foods you like and what resonates with you

  • You don’t necessarily have to give up any foods IF you don’t want to — as long as you’re combining things correctly to balance your meals

  • You’ll be learning how to biohack your own, unique body and experiment with food to help you feel your best

  • The things you’ll learn in this reset will last way longer than 3 weeks. You can use these tricks however long you need to optimize your body


If you answer yes to any of these questions, you’re in the right place:

  • Are you trying to get pregnant?

  • Are you suffering from hormonal imbalances like acne, anxiety, water retention, etc.?

  • Are you feeling depleted and want more energy?

  • Are you not hitting your weight goals?

  • Are you confused as to which diet is right for you?

  • Are you overwhelmed with all of the information out there on health and you don’t know what’s right?


It's not a diet. It's the foundation of health that you'll have for the rest of your life.

What works for one person may not work for another - we are all unique! However, at the very core of many diets out there, and your general health, is a foundation that applies to every person. The foundation consists of three pillars, which are all a part of the program:

  1. Blood sugar balance

  2. Optimal nutrition

  3. Detoxification


  • Although it’s only 3 weeks, you’ll learn concepts that you’ll use for the rest of your life.

  • This is not a diet but you will be making small tweaks to your food and lifestyle.

  • You won’t have to give up anything if you don’t want to. You can make this program your own and personalize it.

  • This won’t be torture. This will be fun.

  • After completing the program:

  • You’ll be more in-tune with your body.

  • You’ll have an understanding of your own nutritional gaps.

  • You’ll understand how to incorporate foods and supplements to fill any gaps now and in the future.

  • You won’t believe in willpower anymore!

  • You’ll be aware of how your own body performs in eliminating toxins and how to reduce your load.

  • You may experience weight loss, better sleep, more energy, and overall sense of happiness.


  • I take you through the three pillars — blood sugar, nutrition, and detoxification — in a self-guided course that includes the following:

    • 3 weeks worth of video content to consume at your own pace — 30 min video per week plus homework and additional materials for your use throughout the week.

    • Digital meal templates to keep on your phone that will help you with the program. 


Now that I’m pushing 30, I wanted to think more about long-term health. With Aleks’ help, I gained a pool of knowledge around the subject of food, exercise, and general wellness. All of which were customized and tailored to me. I’ve since lost 20lbs, and have a totally different mindset around what I consume and how it will serve me long term. I haven’t just lost weight, I’ve become a healthier and happier person overall.
— Jonah - Mendocino, CA
My hope was to get a few tips on how to get more energy so I could keep up with my little girl. But what I gained was just so much bigger: energy levels that are sustainable, improved quality of sleep, improved quality of focus, metabolic improvement, and significant help with my anxiety. I was surprised by how easy it was and how quickly I saw real differences, which was so motivating for me to keep going with it.
— Jenny - Seattle, WA

Jenny shares a detailed account of her experience going through The Baseline in this episode: